HYDROSTORM is a firm of Consultants with professional practice embracing the full range of activities in Civil, Electro-Mechanical engineering and Architecture with special expertise in Water Resources, Environmental Management, Transportation Engineering and Renewable Energy.\r\n

The main objective of HYDROSTORM is to provide top flight service in selected areas of specialization.

In the short span of its existence, HYDROSTORM has executed an impressive list of Projects in Nigeria, Mainly in areas of Transportation, Water supply, Irrigation, Renewable Energy, Structures and Agriculture.

These projects have been executed with thoroughness and dispatch to the satisfaction of the Clients.

Some of the projects were funded by International development agencies such as the UNICEF and the African Development Bank.

HYDROSTORM is managed and staffed by reputable, competent and experienced engineers whose goal is the production of first class service for our clients. The directors and top management of the firm have been engaged in consulting engineering practice in Nigeria and overseas.

The benefits of a large reputable consultancy firm like HYDROSTORM cannot be over emphasised since it affords our  clients the services of a large pool of experts.

HYDROSTORM though wholly Nigerian owned, has an international staff composition allowing for continuous transfer of technology and training to young Nigerian professionals.

The total staff strength is 57 made up of:

*  31 professional staff.

*  26 Nigerian sub professional and support staff.

In addition 10 short term consultants are retained for specialised assignments in areas of Agronomy, Water Quality, Renewable Energy, etc.

This large staff base ensures that special skills and competence are available in-house for the execution of projects.


Computer Technology

HYDROSTORM employs modern computer techniques in the execution of solutions of engineering problems and designs.

Thus ensuring that the client is presented with an optimum solution from comparative analyses of different approaches. HYDROSTORM has in place, WAN linking it=s offices and some of its project sites. PCs in its local network are linked to the internet, for ease of research and effective communication with clients. The company is equipped with all necessary peripherals including HP 1050C A0 plotter, A0 Cal comp digitizer, large format scanners and printers. Several current engineering software packages are in use for the analyses and design of various complex engineering problems, such as STAAD for finite element analysis of structural elements, Geoslope for Geotechnical analysis. Autodesk Land desktop is available for GIS, civil design and surveying.

HYDROSTORM continues to invest heavily to make sure that it is technologically up to date to enable it to meet various needs of its clients.


In-house detailed investigations are undertaken. Assistance of specialised agencies is drawn upon as necessary for optimum service to client.

Investigations are carried out in the following areas:-

* Hydrological studies

* Hydrographical studies

* Geological and Geotechnical surveys

* Site investigations.


HYDROSTORM makes use of electronic survey instrument for it=s topographic survey. Among which are Leica SR 530 GPS and TC 1800 Total stations, to increase speed and accuracy by eliminating the need for manual recording.